Sunday, May 11, 2008


Song Lyrics: Karl Digerness

All my life long, I had panted
For a drink from some cool spring
that I hoped would quench the burning
of the thirst I felt within.

Hallelujah! He has found me,
the One my soul so long has craved!
Jesus satisfies all my longings
Through his blood I now am saved

Feeding on the filth around me
till my strength was almost gone
Longed my soul for something better
only still to hunger on.


Poor I was and sought for riches
something that would satisfy.
But the dust I gathered 'round me
only mocked my soul's sad cry.


Well of water ever springing
Bread of Life so rich and free.
Untold wealth that never faileth,
my Redeemer is to me.


This morning I woke up to Kyle crying out relentlessly. As I laid in bed listening to him, waiting for Sylas to get him (I guess I could have done it!!), I thought, this is how we should cry out to God...relentlessly. If Kyle could think biblically I'm sure he would interpret his cries as "How long, O Daddy? Will you hide yourself forever?" The Psalmist says "How long, O Lord? Will you hide yourself forever?..." Psalm 89:46. Well, Sylas got Kyle and took him to the living room to give him some milk. He then placed Kyle back in his crib fast asleep. A little time spent with his Dad and some milk brought him back to a place of rest. That is so much like us with our heavenly Father. Times of refreshing come from the presence of the Lord and from drinking the pure milk of the word (Acts 3:20; 1 Peter 2:2-3). Well, since 30 minutes passed and I was unable to fall back asleep I went to spend some time with my Dad in the word. I opened to Jeremiah and began to read. We studied the first few chapters of this book while in La Barra in February and what I learned then began to flood back to my memory.

Jeremiah 2:13
"for my people have committed two evils:
1) they have forsaken ME, the fountain of living waters
2) and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water."

How many times do we do this? Yes, we, me included? We turn to the things of this world that don't satisfy. It is like pouring water into a bucket that has a hole in it. It is USELESS! In this case the Israelites had forsaken God who brought them out of Egypt and made for themselves idols of wood and stone. They worshiped the gods of the nations around them. WHAT?

Jeremiah 10:15
"They (idols) are worthless, a work of delusion; at the time of their punishment they shall perish."

On the day of judgment before God, no stone or carved piece of wood is going to stand between you and the Judge and save you. Neither will wealth or riches in this world nor status or the material things of this world. Only the righteousness of Christ imputed to you will enable you to stand before the Father.

God says in Jeremiah 2:5 "What wrong did your fathers find in me that they went far from me, and went after worthlessness, and BECAME WORTHLESS?"

Another place in scripture (can't find it right now) says that those who make idols will become like them: deaf, mute, dead. Well, it is pretty clear from scripture that when we go after anything other than Christ we will become worthless. Our hearts are no different than the Israelites in the time of the Old Testament. We have the same tendencies to reject the fountain of living waters and turn to broken cisterns that hold no water. I was challenged this morning to once again find my satisfaction in Him alone. On the way to church this morning I listened to the song written in my blog several times and meditated on that.

Here is the fourth verse again:
Well of water ever springing
Bread of Life so rich and free
Untold wealth that never faileth
my Redeemer is to me

My prayer is that Christ, the Only Redeemer, is all these things to us, His children. May we always draw from Him, the fountain of living waters, and never thirst again but be completely satisfied in Him!


Jamie Butts said...

Cara! I have loved your last 2 blog posts, but I haven't commented yet. You are such an encouragement, sister.
Hope you're headed our way again soon. If so, I want to steal you one night. Come for dinner and stay the night. I'd love to really catch up - in person, but your blog has been so helpful on hearing your heart and what God is doing and teaching.

I LOVE the song from this post. One of my favs - although I say that about many songs. :)

Kelley said...

i love your blogs! they are great and so encouraging.
we miss you here.

catherine shea politte said...

I, too, am encouraged and convicted by what you wrote. Thank you for showing me another way my children teach me about Christ and sanctify me! Also, I was reminded of how wonderful Sylas is to take care of Kyle in the middle of the night!!! The time that you are here is passing way too quickly...but I'm thankful for the way you encourage me to press on in my faith. Love you!!